Canvas Printing

Personalise your living space

Your photo made into a stunning canvas

It’s simple! Email your photo and we will transform it into a high quality canvas print.

Stretched on to a wooden frame

Narrow frameDeep frame
12” x 12” (30cm x 30cm)£25.00£28.00
12” x 16” (30 x 40cm)£30.00£33.00
15” x 15” (38 x 38cm)£44.00£47.00
20” x 24” (50 x 60cm)£53.00£56.00
22” x 22” (55 x 55cm)£60.00£63.00
24” x 24” (60 x60cm)£67.00£70.00

Unstretched – ready for you to frame as you like

12” x 12” (30cm x 30cm)£17.00
12” x 16” (30 x 40cm)£21.00
15” x 15” (38 x 38cm)£33.00
20” x 24” (50 x 60cm)£41.00
22” x 22” (55 x 55cm)£47.00
24” x 24” (60 x 60cm)£53.00
  • Frames handmade to order
  • All imagery must be supplied as high resolution
  • Extra costs are applied for photo treatments